Trash or Pass and some Power Rankings

Discussion in 'Leaguegaming Hockey League (LGHL)' started by x Pandeezy x, Jun 9, 2023.

  1. Pandaleupagus

    Pandaleupagus Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    Trash or Pass with Power Rankings
    1/3 Edition

    1. Vegas Golden Knights (20-4-3)

    This team is doing better than anyone could have predicted. Vibe line is undefeated through 3 weeks and the Gwan line only lost 2 games. Along with a 3rd line that appears to be carrying its own weight. So gotta give AB and Sarge credit they built a very good team that shouldnt drop any lower than 3rd or 4th this season which is significant improvement from last year’s shit show that AB had. So far I have this crew in the lead for the Jack Adams award which is pretty much the what shitter owner surprisingly did well this season award. However I like this management group and hope they continue to do good and prove me wrong. By the way Sarge I was told by Gwan that you were the reason your line lost both games.

    Previous Ranking: TRASH
    New Ranking: PASS

    2. Minnesota Wild (17-7-3)

    No brainer here we are just dominant as shit. I got the best 3rd line in the league. Mr. Top 1 is back and better than ever. Chea thinks everyone in the league has low T. Cronkzy out here sending messages, shit talking everyone so he can be reported and banned. Poland can still bang em home. Beaudy showing 3rd lines who the boss is. Trouba Train got the call this week which officially makes us the #1 contender for the cup. How do I see this team finishing? Let me put it this way, if you ain’t first you’re last.

    Previous Ranking: N/A

    New Ranking: You already know baby! PASS! PASS! PASS!

    3. Vancouver Canucks (19-5-3)

    I had this team pegged for the 7th or 8th seed but they’ve gone above and beyond expectations that I’ve had for them. Not entirely sure who built this team but I’m gonna go with Shlarchey since he never shuts his yap in the managers chat. With that being said he built a great team and I don’t see these guys dropping any lower than 4th in the standings.

    Previous Ranking: PASS

    New Ranking: PASS

    4. San Jose Sharks (16-8-3)

    Never had any doubts about this team going into the season. I may not have liked the roster but I figured Parksy knew what he was doing after all this isn’t his first rodeo. His line is undefeated through 3 weeks which is impressive and the harlan/josh line is getting the job done. Another 3rd line that appears to be holding its weight which is what the top 4 teams have in common and what will more than likely keep them around the same spot the rest of the season. Overall I don’t see this team dropping below 5th this season.

    Previous Ranking: PASS

    New Ranking: PASS

    5. Chicago Blackhawks (15-8-4)

    Prince made a very well balanced team this season. All 3 lines are doing about the same so far which is a hard feat to do. Downfall of that though means there isn’t really a line that is proving to be the top line which could be trouble come playoffs. I don’t see this team slipping in the standings and will more than likely be battling between the 3-5 seeds.

    Previous Ranking: PASS

    New Ranking: PASS

    6. Colorado Avalanche (16-10-1)

    This team I thought was going to be battling for the President’s trophy at the beginning of the season but having a shitty 3rd line will have a team under performing. Top 2 lines are doing about as expected through 3 weeks but yahtzee and tayz keep letting this team down time and time again. Jakoo did finally make a move and acquire a new center for the 3rd line so maybe they’ll finally win more than 1 game a week(doubtful). I still like this team and have them as one of the favorites to go far in the playoffs even after a disappointing playoff run last season.

    Previous Ranking: PASS

    New Ranking: PASS

    7. Edmonton Oilers (15-9-3)

    I still hate how this team is built and so far this team is doing about as expected hovering around the 7-8th seed. The goaltending is the only reason this team currently holds a playoff spot. 1st line on this team is doing as expected with rippin and los. 2nd line is holding their own but that 3rd line is horrendous. Aali gotta be pushing 60 years old right? Guy has nubs for thumbs. Must be one hell of an AGM to still be kicking it in a 16 team league. Overall this team is doing as expected and I don’t see them getting any better than what they are. If anything this team could do worse depending on when the back’s snap on the goalies.

    Previous Ranking: PASS

    New Ranking: Still gotta go with a PASS but it won’t take much to sway me.

    8. Arizona Coyotes (14-10-3)

    The top end talent on this is just barely enough for this team to take 8th. No idea how long this team can keep relying on their top 2 lines winning most of their games every week but it has been doing just enough to keep them in a playoff spot. 3rd line is beyond dog shit and a lost cause not even gren could save them this past week. I don’t see this team finishing higher than 6th but who knows what could happen in the playoffs if they do make it.

    Previous Ranking: PASS

    New Ranking: PASS but strictly on their game 7 players.

    9. Calgary Flames (12-11-4)

    Middle of the pack team is gonna do what a middle of the pack team does. These guys will stay relevant for most of the season but I don’t see them finishing any higher than 8th. All 3 lines are sitting around .500 or below it. I mean when you pay Forbz 7M for whatever reason you just aren’t going to have a good team.

    Previous Ranking: TRASH

    New Ranking: TRASH

    10. St. Louis Blues (11-11-5)

    You want to see a team underperforming? Look no further because the Blues are here! This team went from winning the Presidents trophy last season to being a struggle bus of a team. There has been no consistency on this at all. They go from being average one week to being ass the next. This team made a huge blockbuster deal in trading fisher and zinczy away for moyr and bandit but the trade just looks like a wash in my opinion. Did not expect to see this team do so poorly and I have no clue if they’ll turn it around.

    Previous Ranking: PASS
    New Ranking: TRASH

    11. Winnipeg Jets (11-14-2)

    Hated this roster right away and it doesn't surprise me they are doing bad. Although Kap has pretty much traded away what seems to be most of this team and is still doing better than 5 other teams at the moment. This team was banking on the JLP line having the same success as last season and it just flat out bit them in the ass. The top line doing poorly on top of the other 2 shit lines that were built this team stands no chance at playoffs.

    Previous Ranking: TRASH

    New Ranking: TRASH

    12. Nashville Predators (11-14-2)

    Who would have thought having Mike Scott as your owner would doom your team? Oh, that’s right everyone knew this team was going to blow chunks. But anyways what were these guys thinking spending 13M on Heroicduck? He clearly hasn’t been very heroic in saving this franchise of stinkers. This team is a joke and has no 1st line worthy players. Chalk it up Mikey your season is OVER!

    Previous Ranking: TRASH

    New Ranking: Oh yeah it still smells like TRASH!

    13. Los Angeles Kings (10-14-3)

    All things considered this team is actually doing better than I thought. I had them pegged for last place and they’re not…..YET. I just have nothing good to say about this squad of ahl players. Jagr handed Arizona a gift before the season started which is still mind blowing to me. He had to call up a 70 year old man in A1 Freak to take his GM spot. This team just SUCKS!

    Previous Ranking: TRASH

    New Ranking: Well this isn’t going to change at any point during the season so their permanent ranking is TRASH!

    14. Anaheim Ducks (10-15-2)

    Another massive disappointment of a team so far this season. I thought for sure these guys would be in a playoff spot but it appears the defense is too much to overcome this season. Granted spending 9M on Kuch who barely plays this game anymore wasn’t exactly a smart move either. Clearly this team just isn’t meshing well together and no one really wants to make trades so I don’t see it getting any better for Anaheim the rest of the season.

    Previous Ranking: PASS

    New Ranking: TRASH

    15. Dallas Stars (10-16-1)

    I just can’t believe a one line team is doing this poorly. Who would have thunk it? Outside of the Boily line this team has 4 wins! Yeah that’s right 4 fucking winaroonies. Absolute shit stains on this team. I was looking at this team for hours throughout the weeks and kept telling myself “I can’t believe this team has absolutely nothing to trade for.” Malaria or whatever his name is must have bid on this team blindfolded its so fucking bad. Hopefully Boily spent the money that he got from his owner well because this team is DUST.

    Previous Ranking: TRASH

    New Ranking: DUST

    16. Seattle Kraken (9-17-1)

    Again another team that went from what looked like a playoff squad to dead last. This team is just a meme at this point between the thread in the forums about them ragging and Flinnur not making a single trade to improve upon the shit show he built. Gotta give him some credit though he sticks to his guns and it's looking like by this time next week he might be at least 14th. Moving up baby! It looks like at least 1 line on this team decided to show up while the others are still debating if jumping off a ledge is the better option. Either way, I hope this team decides to show up the rest of the season with the loyalty Flinnur has been showing his guys.

    Previous Ranking: PASS

    New Ranking: TRASH
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    In Diamond Dynasty
  2. Tayyyzzzz

    Tayyyzzzz @TayyyzzzzNHL

    Jun 2, 2014
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    @aHuff21 this guy can’t stop talking about LG can he holy
    • Get Good Get Good x 1
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  3. AAli-21

    AAli-21 Fresh Prince

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Still in my 20s FYI, good job though.
    • Winner Winner x 3
  4. Dangs92

    Dangs92 Fuck Off

    Apr 28, 2014
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    I’m so good panda
  5. Flinnur

    Flinnur Warning Group

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Damn that’s a big write up for summer season, Lots of cares invested in this one
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    REMPE TRAIN Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    Ironic that you took owner for someone who “doesn’t care”… well judging by your team’s performance I suppose that’s true!
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  7. Forbz Eh

    Forbz Eh Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2014
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    Panda the type of guy to wear glasses that change to sunglasses in sunlight and also doesnt brush his teeth.
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  8. Pandaleupagus

    Pandaleupagus Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    Those would be called transitions. The more you know.
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