LGHL Season 19 Snake List

Discussion in 'Leaguegaming Hockey League (LGHL PSN)' started by Tris10, Feb 22, 2022.

  1. Tris10

    Tris10 Site Founder

    Jun 5, 2003
    Trophy Points:
    +17,741 / 89 / -327
    ACK5780 changed their username from ACK-stonerboy
    ACK-stonerboy changed their username from ACK5780
    ae-Voro changed their username from ae-Kasso
    AfTeRmAtH X1 changed their username from cHELIOS-7x
    AjijaakNini changed their username from x-sayers-x
    BigDaddyNinja420 changed their username from TheBobbyOrr4
    bardownninja111 changed their username from BigDaddyNinja420
    jxrock_14 changed their username from bardownninja111
    AnimalxFarm changed their username from jxrock_14
    SmaIlfry20 changed their username from x-booty-x19
    Animelord2009 changed their username from SmaIlfry20
    artuodeetuo changed their username from XxR2D2x
    ASmartFurryOwO changed their username from xBaxky
    ASmartWolfOwO changed their username from ASmartFurryOwO
    B0RNx19 changed their username from TEEBO x19
    BaIIinbynature93 changed their username from bwatty19
    baloukas14 changed their username from baloukas
    V4LH1R changed their username from I KNUCKL32 I
    Yip3K1YayMTF changed their username from V4LH1R
    BGxAspect changed their username from Yip3K1YayMTF
    BiggsRippit changed their username from Willkilluall
    BingBongByron69 changed their username from Harrison666hell
    BladesOnThree changed their username from GhostxBearx
    Boogy RFA changed their username from Muzzin x 8
    CaptStaIechips changed their username from Super_light_1993
    BiG-PaPi_AM34 changed their username from CaptStaIechips
    Sharkle316_ changed their username from BiG-PaPi_AM34
    BRANNIFF- changed their username from Sharkle316_
    bxrnyt1 changed their username from bardxwnskii
    CANNIFF- changed their username from JamieDrysdale-
    CareY__P31__Qc changed their username from iNf1n1tY Qc
    xInTheCrease changed their username from Lundqvixt-
    Lundqvixt changed their username from xInTheCrease
    chad_muswagon22 changed their username from Hockeyboy_1919
    Ckimyy changed their username from I Ckim I
    Waldbauer_07 changed their username from LeHomieYosh
    Colonnisateur_33 changed their username from Waldbauer_07
    cxckkosaurus changed their username from xPhisty9x
    Cxleton changed their username from xEklund
    daddydelicious69 changed their username from EviIdoink666
    Edvinsson6 changed their username from Lionhart l7l
    Dihlini26 changed their username from Edvinsson6
    Dahlini26 changed their username from Dihlini26
    pukka-drummer7 changed their username from Gerbs94
    Don_EIway changed their username from pukka-drummer7
    dustydays30 changed their username from Bayonneranger030
    TheSnipeShow911 changed their username from DustyGl0ve
    DustyGl0ve changed their username from TheSnipeShow911
    Dxclair changed their username from DATS-NASTY24
    EnderWiggin554 changed their username from ender554
    YumBreadCrum changed their username from EnderWiggin554
    ender554 changed their username from YumBreadCrum
    FeIic5 changed their username from I JF5 I
    flerpyderp_ changed their username from ElCrowlo
    ElCrowlo changed their username from flerpyderp_
    Crowlo92_ changed their username from ElCrowlo
    Felix29- changed their username from Crowlo92_
    mR_McSwAgSaUcE69 changed their username from King_Formless
    siIIiestofgooses changed their username from mR_McSwAgSaUcE69
    FindMy4Skyn changed their username from siIIiestofgooses
    Fox-ll23ll changed their username from BillysNYR30
    IlyaLybushkin changed their username from Frost_phang
    Frost_Phang changed their username from IlyaLybushkin
    Geno_x_51 changed their username from Geno x 51
    Glachs changed their username from CohesiveJewpon
    Grape_Powerade changed their username from xShoot_N_Scores
    OGsqueeze- changed their username from xFIow-_-
    JApps-- changed their username from OGsqueeze-
    GremIin-- changed their username from JApps--
    Guentzxl changed their username from xGrxtty
    HighItsMetz changed their username from Mangiapane88_
    Hockeygirlx93 changed their username from Dagger-IX-
    Hoonzie changed their username from ttvHOONWAY
    Hughes l43l changed their username from TwistedCDN
    Hxssa81 changed their username from Laflamme70__
    Dixencyder83 changed their username from Ghosted8324
    Iamchaos1983 changed their username from Dixencyder83
    IDICTATE88I changed their username from J_durst-8
    Jacoby_88QC changed their username from Diddy_Biytchass
    Diddy_Biytchass changed their username from Jacoby_88QC
    JeIIyFamBrandon- changed their username from Jacoby_88qc
    Ilmpark changed their username from JeIIyFamBrandon-
    im-not-his-agm changed their username from PEZZETTAxl55l
    ImpulseI changed their username from Impulse8811
    ImpulseFade changed their username from ImpulseI
    Sxrreh changed their username from ImSooSorreh
    Iceking563421 changed their username from Sxrreh
    ImSooSorreh changed their username from Iceking563421
    iPingedu changed their username from I_HaveHighPing
    iSHOOTSfromDEEPS changed their username from GrammyHands
    Itz_Telly changed their username from Jeztix
    Spencer_knight_ changed their username from Bosa__-88
    Bosa-39 changed their username from Spencer_knight_
    JBrods91 changed their username from SuIIyWoo04
    JHaIIzy- changed their username from xMids-_-
    jingledeeezballz changed their username from Xx0sitonmy9xX
    Josstheboss666 changed their username from XBigJossX
    K-Quinn88 changed their username from XxQuinn88xX
    KaaJan changed their username from Zukuriii
    Krrsantann changed their username from PhuZeRK
    kudlacik changed their username from kuddy-76
    kuddy-76 changed their username from kudlacik
    l1lWhitel9l changed their username from K X N E 8 8
    lMaDMaX_24 changed their username from IMadlMaxI
    lX Kane 88 Xl changed their username from lx_kane88_xl
    lx_kane88_xl changed their username from lX Kane 88 Xl
    Swooshtimes2 changed their username from nehxC
    McNic_ changed their username from Xavieur11
    moose61-- changed their username from moose_goc76
    rp_is_life18 changed their username from MrFreddy1994
    Mrfreddy1994 changed their username from rp_is_life18
    mrfreddy94 changed their username from Mrfreddy1994
    Mxkar-_- changed their username from zMackinnon-
    Mxrkov79_- changed their username from Pavelbarber88
    NE0N X 8 changed their username from TopCheeseNeon
    NHL22NextGen changed their username from PensCanuks
    NicoleW8- changed their username from Mclarke323
    NIKEGUYSBACK changed their username from DrSlaughter_
    Maguire6691 changed their username from North_Blackfoot
    North_Blackfoot changed their username from Maguire6691
    Nxcas changed their username from Nxcas_-
    NxRenegade changed their username from Masked Eh
    oso_thicc changed their username from Doctor_Hockey
    Overdxg36- changed their username from Bobrxvsky-
    OwenLo43 changed their username from OweLoTV
    Papi_Lindemann changed their username from xMafio-67
    Peacemaker-0- changed their username from PromisePie_
    PickIeTickIer69 changed their username from BillCrxsby-_-
    Josi_x59 changed their username from Pitiick
    aglow_helping4 changed their username from Josi_x59
    jOrDoan2321w2 changed their username from aglow_helping4
    hunter_roIo changed their username from jOrDoan2321w2
    FlZZY506 changed their username from hunter_roIo
    PitIick changed their username from FlZZY506
    PK EXCLUSIVE34 changed their username from PKEXCLUSIVE34
    PKEXCLUSIVE34 changed their username from PK EXCLUSIVE34
    Mxke6843 changed their username from NotMxke
    Mxkewill changed their username from Mxke6843
    TwistedClown199 changed their username from Pucks4Breakfast9
    Pucks4Breakfast9 changed their username from TwistedClown199
    Qc_Adam_Spencer changed their username from Adam_Mcmuffin_84
    Rabb1t x14 changed their username from FluffyRabb1tFur
    FluffyRabb1tFur changed their username from Rabb1t x14
    Relentlxsss changed their username from Relentlxsss-
    Rodizio11 changed their username from Markz_51
    Markz_51 changed their username from Rodizio11
    Inspector6737 changed their username from Markz_51
    Markz_51 changed their username from Inspector6737
    Rxcky x 13 changed their username from l-Rxcky-l
    Rxmanov_27 changed their username from Qc_Habsfan88
    Ryy_Dez98 changed their username from RiCKY69BoBBYjr
    Schmxdt-- changed their username from x-Ehlers-27
    SennaX44 changed their username from Montoni007
    ZachS2303 changed their username from iZxchs
    lil zachs changed their username from ZachS2303
    ZachS2303 changed their username from lil zachs
    iluvlemonade223 changed their username from ZachS2303
    sharksfan_jake changed their username from iluvlemonade223
    Skidsteer6 changed their username from Skidsteer00
    smolfinick23 changed their username from T-Minnow
    Snitskyy_ changed their username from ChoubbQc
    SnoopyPuppy13 changed their username from Snxpzy-
    SpudTheScrub changed their username from CasstlemanJr
    Stepl3r0_im_stuk changed their username from Law-l97l-
    Prospyyyy changed their username from Prospy x 20
    Orlxv changed their username from Prospyyyy
    Sumaaa-- changed their username from Sumaaa x
    Sumaaa x changed their username from Sumaaa--
    SureShotSnipez changed their username from SureShotSnipez41
    temp-379753 changed their username from ITFDB-709
    TendyTigers_ changed their username from Mr_Tigers__
    TheFundermentals changed their username from heatherlb123
    ThumbLessBaldy changed their username from Bruggzy
    tlhlebaq changed their username from i3RODEUR
    x-Toews19x changed their username from zeropucksgiven04
    toews-_- changed their username from x-Toews19x
    Tretxak changed their username from Relevant_Yuri
    xCheekCIapper changed their username from FartBoxSniffer-
    TuckltTeaI changed their username from xCheekCIapper
    Viper_VSM changed their username from PhantomHellcat
    Vokoun x 29 changed their username from xSuperSad
    Wadden l32l changed their username from GucciRoIIieLambo
    WeavyStunder changed their username from SuckMyKeck
    Whiter_66 changed their username from ChaseWhite66
    ChaseWhite66 changed their username from Whiter_66
    swinger_Phil69 changed their username from e-speakeasyWaka
    whitespace03 changed their username from swinger_Phil69
    Vancouver1994 changed their username from WhoseMans--
    MattuTheTattu changed their username from Vancouver1994
    Nhl_Goat changed their username from MattuTheTattu
    WhoseMans-- changed their username from Nhl_Goat
    Wiqkid__ changed their username from DZRUHPT
    XXDC_NuclearXX changed their username from oli5858
    WistitiTROLOLOL changed their username from XXDC_NuclearXX
    Wxpos changed their username from BigRezTTV
    X Sogaard X changed their username from X-Sogaard-X
    x-TagarnaK-x changed their username from Tagard86
    x1-ripper-3x changed their username from Ripper1387
    x7Johnny1x changed their username from sAyHi2GoD_00
    xARR-13 changed their username from Dxtsyuk-_
    xBanditt1 changed their username from Silkybandit3365
    xBlitz1710 changed their username from xBanditt1
    xSilkyBandit changed their username from xBlitz1710
    xBobby92- changed their username from Bobby1127
    KillaaBG44 changed their username from xBraxdy
    XBrxdy-- changed their username from KillaaBG44
    XBrady17 changed their username from XBrxdy--
    xBure- changed their username from BLACKEDOUTREBEL1
    iBiscuit91 changed their username from iCookie91
    xChauve changed their username from iBiscuit91
    xDeBrincat changed their username from Fox_l14l
    xDelafxntaine19 changed their username from Vince_19QC
    xEKANE_9x changed their username from sanjose01
    xJeweII changed their username from xJewell_-
    xMiles21 changed their username from MileSmOOveTv-
    Gxstavsson30 changed their username from XMurray30X
    xNateI17I changed their username from Gxstavsson30
    xRangz_- changed their username from Jacob_TheGoat
    xRoyalFlushx911 changed their username from Jaguarknight_
    xSandin38 changed their username from Billkessel
    xShxyne changed their username from Shaynestaa
    xSquxre-_- changed their username from A__Round_Squar3
    xTrashPanda98 changed their username from xDeathx9
    xTrEdz_- changed their username from Treadingwater5
    xx-Donuts changed their username from DaddiezDonuts702
    xx-_-Venom- changed their username from Jimmy_Stutz
    xX_Chabot72 changed their username from CompleteLuck21
    xZibanejad93- changed their username from xSwaffie86
    X_Cxrle_Qc changed their username from Carriere-qc98
    yeagermode changed their username from dinobambino7
    yersus1915 changed their username from inoinoino641
    Aaron I30I changed their username from iiAaron-30
    Zachjeet changed their username from Zahcarry
    ZendayasCokePlug changed their username from KnightsATL
    zWaffleMan71 changed their username from xMarny-_-
    zZxphyrr changed their username from LuhhhKey
    • Troll Troll x 1
  2. Mondsy--

    Mondsy-- Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2018
    Trophy Points:
    +505 / 18 / -94
    A little bit late
    • Winner Winner x 4
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. TuckItTeal

    TuckItTeal Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    +845 / 92 / -215
    Of course FartBoxSniffer tries to impersonate me :laugh:
    • Get Good Get Good x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
    No Streaming Account
  4. Mlvzz

    Mlvzz Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2019
    Trophy Points:
    New York
    +1,070 / 9 / -35
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Ducksfanwaterloo

    Ducksfanwaterloo Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    +1,113 / 21 / -65

    bro my brain having an aneurysm seeing all these sick ass names
  6. tbeattt

    tbeattt itswillee is the goat

    Apr 3, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    in the playoffs
    +507 / 34 / -77
    why dont i ever get included in these lists. i want to feel loved
  7. Lehk 31

    Lehk 31 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
    Trophy Points:
    +599 / 13 / -31
    no better time to drop this than after bidding v helpful
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  8. FatHogChelly

    FatHogChelly Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Wilmington, NC
    +323 / 6 / -69
    i snaked the snake list :eek: